Collection: Afrikaburn

Sleeping area

We plan to bring 80 fully equipped shiftpod III to Afrikaburn, enough to accommodate 160 participants.

They will be grouped in clusters of 10 tents, under a berber shade structure to protect from wind and sun. These will be our space for sleeping and resting.


As activities, cocoa ceremonies, meditation, yoga, with selected lovely facilitators from around the world.


We will have a lounge tent for our meals and activities, with mats, tables, beanbags for seating.

We will also have a kitchen tent to cook our meals and a refrigerated container to keep fruits and vegetables and perishable foods cool. We bring in a team of 4 professionals who we know through the Garbicz kitchen team. We will offer brunch around noon and dinner around 6 p.m. Only fresh and delicious meals.

Hot Showers & Waste Management

We will have a system for hot showers, recovering gray water, a clear water tank to supply us, and a system for managing our waste which will be sorted and compacted. We will use the toilets available on site.

Music As A Gift x MAAG

We are offering music with our camp and our stage will be an artistic structure that we will build, close to the camp, but not in the camp, so we can rest if we need to. The artistic structure is a Berber type door above a pyramid with an octagonal base. The pyramid is made up of 3 steps, each 1 meter high. One side will face sunrise, the other side will face sunset. There will be passages that allow you to crawl and find yourself under the pyramid in a psychedelic space.

The music is played from sunset to sunrise, 12 hours everyday, sets of 3 to 4 hours long. A few names are already up for grabs: Lemonella, Pauli Pocket, Shimon, Farry, Leon Row. In discussion: Acid Pauli (OMG), and more to come.

With great music comes great speakers

We give a lot to bring in the right European artists to have the best music there. We need to bring a state-of-the-art speaker system with Lambda Labs.

Core Team

The core team will be present 10 to 15 days before and the same after the event. Our role will be to install the large structures, set up the kitchen, the art installation and the showers.

Shifts for all participants

Camp participants will be able to choose between: 

1/ buildup: 1 shift of 7.5 hours 1 day before the event, 20 people.

2/ teardown: 1 shift of 7.5 hours 1 day after the event, 20 people.

3/ during the event: 3 shifts of 1.5 hours to prepare meals, serve meals, clean our spaces, set up the room, manage the artists' setup (set up the equipment at the start of the evening and remove it at the end of the evening to protect him).

Space Shuttles ?

We are thinking about setting up a shuttle to transport participants, but it is not certain yet. Any ideas are welcome and we would be happy to enrich our project with everyone.

Expected fees

We are finalizing the budget for all of this. The envelope is between €850 and €950 per participant. 

If you want to be part of the core team, the build up, teardown, or help during the event, please let us know.

Follow us on Instagram

The name of this project on Instagram is BabelBurn. Bab means door in Arabic.




Afrikaburn 2025 will take place between Sunday 27 April 2025 and Monday 05 May 2025

Festival location

GoogleMaps: Afrikaburn 2025 location

Goal & Theme

Music & Stages

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More about them

Afrikaburn 2025 Official Website

Afrikaburn 2025 Facebook Event

Afrikaburn 2025 Facebook Page

Afrikaburn 2025 Instagram Page

Afrikaburn 2025 Linktree